News on campus

Pell and loan checks are available today at the Student Accounts Window of the University Center. This disbursement includes any new Pell or loan awards done between the dates of October 10th and October 26th. Loan students must have completed both the master promissory note and entrance counseling. This does not include disbursements for 5 week III courses.

SGA is sponsoring a “Banner Parade” to honor our Veterans. Due to the fact that Veteran’s Day is on Saturday this year, they will have this event on Thursday, November 8 starting at 12:15pm and ending at approximately at 12:45pm. The top banners will receive cash prizes! Contact your RSO sponsor for more information.

November 13 is the last day to withdraw from a full semester class with a “W.” You may come by the Registrar’s Office in the University Center in Room 215 to pick up a Drop Form or from the UACCM Portal Page under the Registrar’s Tab. Their office hours are 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. All Drop Forms must be signed by all required offices and turned into the Registrar’s Office by 4:30 p.m. on November 13. If you are enrolled in a 5 Week III, 8 Week II or 10 Week class, the last day to withdraw with a “W” is November 20.

The deadline to register for Spring 2013 graduation is November 20!

Hawkes Learning Systems is providing refreshments for an exam review pizza party November 29 from 4-5 pm! Pizza and drinks will be served in UC 229. Make plans to study for your math finals with the help of your instructors. RSVP to to ensure there is pizza for everyone!

Phi Beta Lambda is selling tickets to win one of two gorgeous Christmas wreaths. Please see a PBL member, Sherry Vowell (BTC 103), or Nancy Patterson (BTC 104) for tickets. The drawing will be held November 30. Ticket prices are $1 each, $5 for six tickets, and $10 for 15 tickets.

The CIS Club is sponsoring a coat drive to benefit Coats for Kids. Please donate your new or gently worn, clean coats for this worthy cause. Coats can be dropped off at BTC 108, BTC 111, or the Library. Donations will be accepted until December 6th.


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