New ANGEL and E-Mail Login Instructions!

Changes were made to the ANGEL and student email systems over the winter break. Here is the updated information to for students to assess their email and ANGEL.

User Name: Enter your first name followed by a period followed by your last name and finally the last three digits of your student ID. Example: John.Doe321 (If you do not know your student I.D. number, visit the Registrar's Office in University Center.)

Password: The password will be your three initials followed by the last five digits of your student ID number. Example: JCD54321. The password will be case sensitive so you must use uppercase letters. If you do not have a middle initial then the letter X will be used in place of the middle initial.)

CampusConnect Login remains same as previous semesters.

UPDATE: Students may receive an error when logging in if their new user name is longer than 20 Characters. (example: Johnathan.Smithsonian123 is 24 characters long). If this applies to you, please visit Computer Services in one of the following rooms; BTC 113, LC 111, or KB 107


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