Don't Be a Turkey!

A massage therapist will give free neck and shoulder massages. Various groups and agencies will participate with displays and informational activities. Some of their topics will include: suicide prevention, domestic violence, child advocacy, self-injury, healthy habits, safe sex and stress management.
Depending on the weather, the activities will be held outside in the Plaza area or within the Plaza and the Library Complex atrium. Free drinks and Tacos-in-a-Bag will be served to the first 90 students and the participating students will receive BAC cards and other informational materials. Local restaurants and grocery stores will provide gifts of Thanksgiving turkeys or meals.
Additionally, a King Turkey and Queen Turkey will be crowned from UACCM faculty/staff. Students will nominate staff and faculty for the honors. The top three males and top three females will be “voted” on by donations from the entire campus. The nominee in each category will be crowned Queen and King Turkey to “rule over the roost.” Funds generated by the coronation event will be divided between The Safe Place, a shelter for victims of domestic violence, and CASA of the Tri-Peaks, child advocacy program. The HEROES chose these charities because of the close connection of alcohol/drug abuse and domestic violence and neglect of children.
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