“AIMING FOR EDUCATION” Skeet Shoot Fundraiser Sept. 12

The third annual “Aiming for Education” Skeet Shoot fundraiser for the University of Arkansas Community College at Morrilton Foundation will be held from 2:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. on Sunday, September 12, 2010 at Point Remove Lodge in Hattieville.

“Aiming for Education” will consist of 15 three-person skeet shooting teams, and will also feature a youth clay shoot contest open to 40 youth participants. The cost of entry for the adult skeet shoot is $50 per player or $150 for each three-person team, and 10, 12, and 20-gauge ammunition will be provided. Mixed teams of men and women are welcome. The cost of entry for the youth trap shoot is $20 for each participant, which includes a Ducks Unlimited Greenwing membership. A casual dinner will be served at the close of the event. All registered players will receive a gift bag, and door prizes will be awarded throughout the day.
Entry forms and sponsorship forms for the skeet shoot are available online at www.uaccm.edu or by contacting Kristi Strain at (501) 977-2085 or strain@uaccm.edu or Mary Clark at (501) 977-2011 or clark@uaccm.edu. Forms should be returned by Wednesday, September 8 to UACCM Foundation, Attn: Mary Clark, 1537 University Blvd., Morrilton, AR 72110. You can also bring the entry forms and payment to the Institutional Advancement Office in the University Center. Checks should be made payable to the UACCM Foundation.


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