Advising/Pre-Registration is Here, Disc Golf next week!

Good afternoon, UACCM! Hope you all had a great Easter.
  • Advising and pre-registration is here! Stop by your advisor's office ASAP if you haven't signed up for an advising appointment. Day classes are canceled tomorrow, April 6 and Wednesday, April 7 for advising (evening classes beginning at or after 4:30 pm will meet), and pre-registration is being held all week. The earlier you register, the more likely you are to get the classes and schedule you want, so see your advisor soon and make it happen! 
  • The next Intramural Sports event is disc golf! Play will begin nest Monday, April 12 and continue through Wednesday, April 28 on the new Timberwolf Disc Golf Course. Participants will be permitted to play three rounds (nine holes each), with your total score being the sum of the three games. Score cards and discs are available in Union Station. Drop by Union Station with any questions.
  • New SGA Officer candidates have been announced! The following candidates have filed for officer positions in the UACCM SGA: President-Doug Welter, Vice president-Dustin Taylor, Secretary/Treasurer-Tonie Lott, Parliamentarian/Historian-Clayton Crotts. An election will be held on Thursday, April 15. Students: check your UACCM e-mail for a chance to vote.
  • There's a Spanish proverb that goes as such: “One who knows two languages is worth two.” UACCM now offers Spanish courses! Talk to your advisor NOW to find out more on how you can expand your knowledge by learning an uber-important second language!


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