Attn. Students: Thursday Evening Class Cancelations/Inclement Weather Policy

Attention UACCM students with Thursday evening classes! Reports indicate that weather in UACCM's service area could become severe this evening. College officials have officially canceled the following evening classes due to this threat of adverse winter weather (course title, instructor, and time listed): 
  • Math I, Dixon, 6:00 -7:15 pm
  • Fundamentals of Biology Lab, Hicks, 5:00 - 6:50 pm
  • Human Anatomy/Physiology II Lab, Keeton, 5:00 - 6:50 pm
  • Microbiology Lab, Holt, 5:00 - 7:50 pm
  • Emergency Medical Technician-Basic, 6:00 - 10:00 pm (students will still have the scheduled test on Tuesday, Feb. will only cover the two chapters already covered in the class)
  • College Algebra, Vaughn, 6:00 - 7:15 pm
  • Math for Teachers I, Mahan, 5:00 - 7:50 pm
  • Nutrition, Autrey, 6:00 - 8:50 pm
  • Psychology of Human Development, Thomason, 6:00 - 8:50 pm
  • Drilling Operations, Varnell, 6:00 - 8:50 pm
  • Mig Welding Lab, Canady, 6:15 - 9:00 pm
  • Tig Welding Lab, Canady, 6:15 - 9:00 pm
Here's a note on UACCM's severe weather policy:


In the event that the weather is so severe that the College administration feels that life and property may be in danger, the administration may cancel classes until weather conditions improve. After a decision is made, the administration will call and report the closing to KATV, Channel 7, KTHV, Channel 11, KARK, Channel 4, and to radio station KVOM, Morrilton (dial 800 AM, 101.7 FM). Information will be posted on here on The Campus Link Blog, on Facebook, and on Twitter. Students should exercise judgment for personal safety regardless of College announcements as there is no way the administration can review road conditions throughout the College’s service area.


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