Last day to order pageant pics, Peru, and get some CA$H!

Want to order pictures from the UACCM Pageant? Next Tuesday, December 15 is the last day you will be able to order them! Go to to check out the pics. and place your order.

We're going to Peru! UACCM is planning a trip to Peru for May 2012. Though it seems like it's years away (technically, it is), you can receive a discounted rate and set up a payment plan NOW. If you sign up by Tuesday, December 15, you will receive a $200 discount. You need only a $95 deposit to lock in the discounted rate.

The cost for the entire 11-day trip (with the extension to the Amazon Jungle is $3293.00, including travel insurance. The monthly payment on Auto Pay is only $206 per month. If you're interested, contact Karen Caig at or click here.

Finally, it's book buyback time! It's time to end the semester with some extra cash, so bring your used books to the University Bookstore today until 4:00 pm and Monday, December 14 from 9:00 am to 5:00 pm and spend the weekend with more money in your pocket. See you at the bookstore!  


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