Career Pathway Students: LOOK!

ATTENTION Career Pathways (CP) Students
New Book Loan Policies for Spring 2010

1. If you are currently enrolled - pre-register for classes November 2 - 4! Your schedule must be turned in by November 13th for the Book Loan Program for the spring 2010 semester. Remember CP is first come, first served.

2. Existing CP students who pre-registered and turned in schedules may pick up books in the CP office on the following dates:

    Last names beginning with A-M: January 6th from 9:00 - 11:00 and 1:00 - 3:00
    Last names beginning with N-Z: January 7th from 9:00 - 11:00 and 1:00 - 3:00

3. Return your books no later than December 14th to continue participating in the book loan program for the spring 2010 semester.

4. If you have any equipment that was loaned out to you in previous semesters such as calculators, tape recorders, etc. please return then to the CP office. Other students would appreciate the opportunity to borrow them.

Please remember that there will be no exceptions to the above listed policies!!!


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