Want a Bachelor's Degree? Here's Your Chance!

Here's a reminder about something going on tonight on campus:

UACCM has partnered with the University of Arkansas at Fort Smith to offer three new degree programs via online courses and compressed video. A UA-Fort Smith representative will be on the UACCM campus tonight (Tuesday, October 13) at 6:00 p.m. to share more information about these unique degree opportunities. The information session will be in the Koontz Room (Room 203) of the Business Office Technology building.

These programs offer a great way for students to acquire a bachelor’s degree right here in Morrilton. UACCM has partnered with UA-Fort Smith to give students with an Associate of Applied Science Degree the opportunity to complete a Bachelor of Applied Science Degree or a Bachelor of Science in Nursing Degree (RN-BSN). The Bachelor of Science in Nursing (RN-BSN) is an online completion program. The Bachelor of Applied Science Degree is conducted through three distance-education technologies.
  • Compressed interactive video (CIV)
  • Learning Management Systems (WebCT/Blackboard)
  • Tegrity
If you are nearing completion of your associate degree or you have plans to pursue additional education after you graduate from UACCM, this session will provide helpful information. For more information, contact Clara Paquette at 501-977-2157 or paquette@uaccm.edu.


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