Nursing Job Fair 2009...Great Success and Silver Screen Songs

NOTE: ARNEC classes on Thursday, October 29 have been canceled. Please check ANGEL for your assignment.

Well, it's yet another rainy morning in Morrilton, and today's rain has caused at least one casualty (event casualty, that is). The Timberwolf 5k Race has been postponed AGAIN until Thursday, November 19 during x-period. You'll still get your t-shirt on race day and (hopefully) won't fall down in the mud.

Now a bit of news on the recent nursing fair...On October 22, numerous employers and over 50 UACCM nursing students braved the monsoon weather conditions for the Fall 2009 Nursing Job Fair. The employers represented a broad spectrum of health-care providers, including nursing homes, AR Department of Health, hospitals, clinics, Conway Human Development Center and the AR Department of Human Services.

Students gathered information about available positions, met with human resource coordinators, networked various contacts, and got freebies and door prizes. Don’t miss the next UACCM Job Fair. It will encompass all areas of study and is scheduled for April 1, 2010.

Finally...don't forget about the UACCM Choir's "Songs from the Silver Screen" concert coming up this evening at 7:00 in the Fine Arts Auditorium. Stop by this FREE concert and enjoy the sounds of a large collection of Hollywood favorites.


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