Whew! Registration is (almost) Over

Good afternoon, everybody. After three crazy-busy days here at UACCM, regular registration is over. All that's left now are a couple days of orientation and late registration for all the stragglers. Speaking of orientation, if you are a new student at UACCM who registered on Tuesday or Wednesday of this week, we'll see ya there! Orientation will start bright and early Monday morning at 8:00 under the UACCM Pavilion just south of the University Center (where you registered).

By the way, we're definitely on our way to another record-breaking year. We'll keep you posted when we have more information.

If you're one of those people who catch themselves singing in the car, the shower, or at any other point burst into spontaneous song, you should probably think about joining the UACCM Choir. Even if you've already registered, it's not too late! Go by and see Mrs. Cumming in the Fine Arts Building or talk to your advisor on Tuesday during orientation to sign up. It'll be fun...we promise!

Have a great weekend and we'll see the new kids on Tuesday and all the returning folks on Wednesday for classes.


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