Registration is WIDE OPEN!
Good morning, everybody! It's been a fast and frantic two days of registration here at UACCM and it's not over yet! Registration today is open to all the letters of the alphabet from 8:00 am to 5:00 pm, so come on down and sign up! 
There are some great things coming up during the next few weeks, so be sure to watch the CampusLink Blog for more information...we'll be throwing it your way at a pretty good pace in the coming weeks. If you're a Twitter fan, get ready to follow us there. Click here or go to to get quick, to the point updates on UACCM so you'll always know what's going on at your school. And don't forget to join us on Facebook for information on events, the college, and more. If all else fails, head on over to to find TONS of information on anything UACCM.
Have a great Thursday and we'll see you all ASAP! Classes begin next Wednesday!

There are some great things coming up during the next few weeks, so be sure to watch the CampusLink Blog for more information...we'll be throwing it your way at a pretty good pace in the coming weeks. If you're a Twitter fan, get ready to follow us there. Click here or go to to get quick, to the point updates on UACCM so you'll always know what's going on at your school. And don't forget to join us on Facebook for information on events, the college, and more. If all else fails, head on over to to find TONS of information on anything UACCM.

Have a great Thursday and we'll see you all ASAP! Classes begin next Wednesday!
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