The Tales of Two Choirs...

The UACCM Choir and the Community Choir will perform their annual spring concert on Sunday, May 3 at 2:30 pm in the Fine Arts Auditorium at UACCM. The event is being presented free of charge and is open to the public.

The UACCM Choir is composed of UACCM students and is under the direction of UACCM Vocal and Choral Music Instructor Shannah Cummings. The Community Choir includes faculty, staff, and community members, and is under the direction of Suzanne McMurry. The concert will include a multitude of songs covering many different genres of music, and will offer “something for everyone” according to Cummings. All are invited and encouraged to attend what promises to be an enjoyable afternoon for the entire family. For more information on the concert, contact Cummings at (501) 977-2198 or at or Suzanne McMurry at (501) 253-3373.


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